I recommend you watch this video, look, Lady Gaga be a man there! just watch at the middle video, no watch it from the start till the end.the song was great. it's Lady Gaga new single. enjoy (; ...
"You're hear there's nothing I fear and I know that my heart will go on.We'll stay forever this way You are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on." This guy is sungha jung. He could play guitar classic very well and come from South Korea. Just listen to it, really enjoying. (; and btw he's covering celine dion...
Domo kun is the main character described as a strange creature that hatched from an egg with a large sawtoothed mouth that is locked wide open I love this characters so much! and i have many collections of domo. no, i just have 3 things there are the bag, the key chain and the pencil case. I had posted it before. you can...
oh yeah buddy, today is my birthday! i got surprise from my friends. today is actually the final match of basketball, and we attended it. because yesterday we won 6-0 point beating the neighbor class. so today will be the last match. at 2pm the match is about start, so all of us going downstairs. but we have to wait till our turn....
Indonesia was free from colonizers and declared the proclamation on August 17th, 1945. And we Indonesians celebrate it every August 17th simultaneously in every provinces in Indonesia. so my school make an event of it. there are basketball match, soccer match, chess match and many more. I attended the chess match. I got the 2rd rank. actually I'm sad a little part. I...