
My Domo My Love

5:27 PM

My friend gave my a domo doll as my belated birthday present.
SO HAPPY. Like finally!

I have so many issues in my school. Fight, gossip, hated each other and many more.
We just can't be united :( 
I wish we will stay solid till the end of my class year. 
Yee I'll graduated from middle school this year.
Will face high school next year. Hmm a little excited and a little scared!
because it will be more hard than the junior one.
just wish me luck (;

and last night, Agnes Monica retweeted my tweet on twitter

She's an Indonesian singer and actress that has go worldwide. i'm so proud of her, for me she's amazing.
you can vote her at MTV EMA here.
choose Worldwide Act Asia Pacific Nominees category - and then vote for Agnes Monica! 


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