
Breaking Dawn 1

Just went to Thambrin Plaza aka TP this noon, watched Breaking Dawn part I at 21! It is the VERY COOL MOVIE EVER! you guys should watch it! I really love it. Bella got married with Edward. she is pregnant here! and he has a cute daughter. and at the end of this movie people think She's die but suddenly her lips been pink from...

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Greyson Chance in INDONESIA!

GREYSON CHANCE hold Indonesia flag! GREYSON CHANCE 1ST TIME IN INDONESIA 22-24 NOVEMBER 2011! On November 23 he had a showcase in Hard Rock cafe in Jakarta.  I wish he came to Medan, my city. but I think he will never! how possibly he come to Medan, even this is his 1st time in Jakarta, Indonesia. ...

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Study Tour 2011

So on 19 - 20 November 2011, I attended the study tour that was held by my school with my classmates and l. there's a lot of fun there! and some madness moment. we went to Berastagi. the teacher ask us to come school but I didn't come. my mom said this school is so weird. then 12am I arrived at school and...

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I hate knowing this

"I hate all of you, I do. You're all fake, every single one of you. I always meet people and think they're different and I always end up getting slapped in the face. Every single one of you have let down at least once. Oh yeah and "BEST FRIEND" it's a fucking myth. That words mean shit to me" I just notice that...

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Today is such a great date 11.11.11 every digit is 1! haha cool. Well today a guy confessed his love to me. Unrequited love sucks. Besides, everything went normal. today 2PM the boyband from South Korea has a concert in Jakarta and I can't watch! the most sad thing is GREYSON CHANCE concert in Jakarta on 23 November and I can't watch his concert...

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Advice for Young Girls

1. Don’t let disney fuck you over, there are no princess 2. Your first kiss will come when it’s time, stop stressing 3. Take pictures of everything 4. Your friends now aren’t forever. Neither are next year friend, not next year either 5. Never stop making art, ever 6. Don’t take relationship now too seriously 7. 7th grade sucks for everyone 8. Don’t...

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You are the worst

You were the worst friend that I ever had! don't you know how much I hate you right now? no, no one even know about it.  don't ask me why! go get a mirror! look at yourself! I feel so regret cause I have being your friend!  if you like my stuff, just tell me. don't ever say it was so ugly but...

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