
Study Tour 2011

8:09 PM

So on 19 - 20 November 2011, I attended the study tour that was held by my school with my classmates and l. there's a lot of fun there! and some madness moment.
we went to Berastagi. the teacher ask us to come school but I didn't come. my mom said this school is so weird. then 12am I arrived at school and people are waiting for the bus. so my classmate and I met in the class. next we've been line up in the field and blahhh we enter the bus. in the bus there are really really fun! we can't just keep quiet. singing while playing guitar and taking photos everywhere.

time passed now we arrived at Taman Lumbini. that is a park, the view is beautiful. the funny moment is when my friend and I walking in and we don't know where's to go. just run. a lot of ladder that make my foot really hurt but that was fun! hahahaha. and we got tired but we still have to find out the exit way. miss that :(
after that tired teacher ask us to enter the bus and got villa! Villa Bukit Mas! the place we having rest.
my school made a event that all classes have to perform at least 1 perform. so my class made Funny Drama. and we got 1st rank for it! SO EXCITED! we are different from others. teacher and student laughing so hard watching our drama. LOL

after the event we had BBQ. btw our Satay are lost. Ervin left it in school when we waiting for the bus. so pathetic T_T so we cooked sausage, chicken, and fish. hahaha  the weather were so cold. all of us wearing jacket.
all classes have their own clothes that same. awesome, my class too.
my classmate won't sleep that time, it was 3am already, I'm so sleepy so I'm just slept. uncomfortable bed. i'm just sleep 3 hours.

in the morning I wake up and REALLY COLDDDDDDDD. I'm freezing! my foot are hurt so I decided to walking around the Villa. and blablabla we all wake up and changing the clothes, take a bath and more.
me and my friends and a lot of people come to Mikie Holiday after that.
WOWWWW the vehicle are so astonish. my friends vomit. but I'm just stay cool B) lol
really fun! REALLYYYYY FUN! miss that.

then teacher ask us to met in the Villa at 1.30pm and at 3pm we all been sent to Medan.
in the bus, my friends sleeping! all of them. lol
miss that place :( I want to go back in time.

this is the point of my journal in this Study Tour. probably still much moment I can't tell, I'm the one who feel it. and maybe my friends too. LOL

here i show you some picture,

this is just a little little part of my pictures, see more picture in my friend albums at facebook part 1 and part 2. A LOTTTTTTTTTT! hahaha really miss that time :(

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