
Happy Chinese New Year!

Yesterday was Chinese new year! and I got many angpao ;;) went to my family's house, and my parents friends house. and today I went to my friends house! 1st me and Sonya came to Jasinta house and then Chelsea house, next Selly house and the last is Merlin house. But actually Merlin doesn't celebrate CNY because his father died a month ago...

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Back to school

errrrrrr this holiday isn't enough for meeeeeeeee! I need moreeee please, teacher? HAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding! but seriously #eh? lol so tomorrow I'll come back to the hell where there are a lot of devil. -____- I've got a lot things to do for sure. the suffering of graduate class will begin .___. but fortunately we will have holiday again for Chinese New Year....

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Happy New Year 2012!

Happy new yearrrrr 2012 everybody! New hope, new attitude, new behavior, new lifestyle, new thought, new friends and new boyfriend! LOL but most of all I hope everything gets better than 2011. healthier and wealthier :D what did you do at this new year eve? me? I went to my buddy house, Merlin. Jasinta and Sonya also came. there's some of Merlin family...

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