
Happy New Year 2012!

10:26 PM

Happy new yearrrrr 2012 everybody!
New hope, new attitude, new behavior, new lifestyle, new thought, new friends and new boyfriend! LOL
but most of all I hope everything gets better than 2011. healthier and wealthier :D

what did you do at this new year eve?
me? I went to my buddy house, Merlin. Jasinta and Sonya also came.
there's some of Merlin family that also came. we had BBQ at her house.
we taking pictures. and after that we walking around the street in the rain using umbrella. it's pretty cool! i miss it xD

at 00.00 we play fireworks. BOOMMM! we found fireworks everywhere.
I asked my mom if i want to sleepover there but my mom bot allowed me. so I got home at 3am, and immediately get my bed and sleep!
it's a fun day. the 1st time I have my new year eve with my friends! haha.
will miss it.

2012, please be awesome!

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