
Shadowhunter's Chronicle

4:03 PM

This is all the book I have read recently to fill my boring holiday activity, except City of Lost Soul. Due it's not yet release in my country! :/ I'm so curious about the next story anyway. The novel's author is Cassandra Clare. Her novels are the way too awesome! It's about the Shadowhunters and the Downworlder (Warlock, Vampire, Werewolf, Fairy). She's one of my favorite author ;) I recommend you guys to read it! Maybe you'll get addicted just like me. City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angel, and City of Lost Souls are The Mortal Instrument. Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince are The Infernal Device, it told the story of the previous Shadowhunters in Victorian era in England.

City of Bones (the 1st series of The Mortal Instrument) movie will be released on August 2013 as what I read on the website. Woah it taking too long release date, I can wait no more! >< Hope the movie will be awesome :)

Let me show you the dream-cast
The Infernal Device 

The Mortal Instrument

I read on Cassandra Clare's website there's still another story about the Shadowhunters but it's still the continue story of both The Infernal Device and The Mortal Instrument. It's The Dark Artifices, can't wait for the release date! And upcoming Shadowhunter chronology book: The Shadowhunter’s Codex - A GUIDE TO THE WORLD OF THE NEPHILIM, Not much like novel, it's contain about the beginning story about nephilim and the world of them. That book was frequently mention at The Infernal Device's, the book which Tessa Gray always read.
Another novel of Cassie is The Iron Trial SeriesCOWRITTEN WITH HOLLY BLACK, I don't know what it is about, and I thought the story doesn't link to another novel of hers. 
Well, if you want to know more about it just read here! and my favorite website about these Shadowhunter are http://tmisource.com/ and http://tmisource.tumblr.com/. Freaking awesome! :) x

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