
Spend my Sunday at Royal Sumatera

7:30 PM

Got off my bed earlier this morning, at 5am. that only happen in Sunday whether I have something to do. have planned with my friends to go to Selly grandma house at Royal Sumatera. Atika pick me up at 6.30am, we always out of schedule. haha nowadays teenager!
I don't remember what time was when we arrived. But when we arrived, the first we did is jogging. then Chelsea's shoes broke off so 3 of us back to home and that split us. and oh we were 8 here. Selly, Devi, Chelsea, Atika, Evelyn, Jasinta, Merlin and I.

After jogging we riding bicycle then swimming! horayyyy. And the 2nd time i rode bicycle i had so much fun before I fell from bicycle because racing then met the big hole. WHAT A DAMN! i got so many scars in my arm and knee. we also went to mart to buy snack.

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