
Goodbye 2012

6:39 PM

Hello people! It's been a month since I posted on my blog.
Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!!! I wish and hope 2013 will be my year, full of joy and I get what I want. Amin! And goodbye 2012, thanks for being a part of my memory.
I was having my final exam at the 1st week on December. Okay I confess I actually didn't really study but I don't interest with my computer recently since I play tablet all day long. Oh anyway follow me on Instagram: windyteha :)
So, today is the 7th day of my holiday, school only give us 2 weeks of holiday-.- that means class will start a new semester on January 7th. Too short to be true lol
It also a boring holiday because I going nowhere but home for holiday. Sleep, eat and play are all that I'm doing.

Goodbye 2012! Xo.

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