
Avril Lavigne Foundation's ROCKS T-Shirt

2:54 PM

As you probably know, I'm a huge fan of Avril Lavigne. Starting December 2013, she has the 5th concert tour―The Avril Lavigne Tour―for promoting her new album Avril Lavigne. Indonesia is one of those lucky countries she has a tour on (March 21st, 2014). Unfortunately I can't go to her concert because 1, I don't live in the capital city and she's having the concert in the capital city. 2, I was having many examination back then and 3, my parents were not letting me go! So ugh, that's miserable. But however this post is not about that (though it has a little something to do with that). On her tour in Asia, she was using a T-shirt that say 'ROCKS' from her Avril Lavigne Foundation for charity. Well, I bought one!

Even though it doesn't look exactly like the one she's using but whatever at least I have one! Yay for me!

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