
"Do You Read Allegiant?" Contest

12:11 AM

Few months ago I entered a "Do You Read Allegiant?" contest which was held by Books&Beyond bookstore. The challenge was to post a picture of yourself and Allegiant by Veronica Roth and posted it on Instagram. And I unbelievably won it! Honestly I feel a little disappointed. Why? Because I first entered the contest only to win Books&Beyond membership. But how surprised I was when I went to the bookstore to claim my prizes and they told me that there are more than a winner which they didn't even mention in the first place. There are 5 prizes that they mentioned: Books&Beyond membership, Books&Beyond gift vouchers, Waterboom Free Entrance Ticket, Popular Books, Allegiant T-shirt. So as you have probably know that my prizes are Popular Books and Allegiant T-shirt. Lucky for the winner that won the membership. But I also feel really grateful that I'm one of the winners.

Below was the picture I use for the contest:

Here is my prize: 5 books in Young Sherlock Holmes series by Andrew Lane.

Also an Allegiant T-shirt that I think I don't need to show because it's just a black T-shirt with Allegiant book cover in front of it. Whick I hope you can imagine it. Lol bye.

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