
Review: Shatter Me Trilogy by Tahereh Mafi

5:56 PM

Hi peeps! So I finished the last book in Shatter Me trilogy, Ignite Me, this morning and full of feels so I thought I want to blog my reviews,

The writings in this trilogy is so insightful, deep, poetic, and profound I love it so much. Drifting in as a gentle breeze and building to the swirling force of a hurricane. I think the words she used of descriptive imagery are very creative. Though I think it may not suit eveyone's tastes.

Okay so I want to talk about the first book first, Shatter Me. This book had me intrigued by the very first sentence. Though honestly in the middle of reading it I'm not sure how I felt because I keep waiting for something amazing to happen and it's not happening. But when I was close to the ending I found myself liking it. Though I can't stop questioning about how these people can have those superpowers? Because it reminds me so much of X-Men and Fantastic 4. Also of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (which by the way is her husband).

I liked Adam in the first book. But in the sequels? Let's talk about that later.

Moving to the second book, Unravel Me, it's a lot better than the first one. So many things going on here. I need to stop once in a while just to sink in what the hell was happened. But I'm so annoyed by Juliette most of the times. She's too busy with her own world. All she does is sit around crying and think about her miserable, pathetic life. I mean WAKE UP JULIETTE, I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THAT. The world isn't going to stop waging war against itself just because you broke up with your boyfriend! She is being so weird about not wanting to hurt people and all that.
PS: Chapter 62 was intense. I'm happy that I finally get to learn what's happening in chapter 62 because everyone was like CHAPTER 62 CHAPTER 62 CHAPTER 62. AND I WAS LIKE WHAAAAATTTT. I'm happy now that I know it and I'm happy because THAT happened. Haha!

But the last book is the most amazing from all books in this trilogy.

There was never a love triangle. 
Tahereh Mafi said before Ignite Me was released.
I finished reading the book and I fully understand what she meant.
Ignite Me is amazingly beautiful. It captured my heart, ensnared my soul, and left me breathless so so in love! I love this book with a passionate, heart soaring, and brilliant love that consumes me. I can't believe I can love any book as much as I love TMI or TDI but I can. And this book made laughed a lot like in every pages.
What I love most about this book is, I realized, the characters.
You have no idea how many times I'm giggling because of the characters (mostly Warner and Kenji) I lose count. I also think it's really amazing how Tahereh turned every character into a very different character from book 1 to 3. EVERYONE changed into somebody we may not recognize from book 1 through book 3. I would be lying if I said Juliette didn't fascinated me. She's grown into this silly sad girl into a strong thoughtful girl. I love how much she has changed in Ignite Me. She didn't hesitate even a little bit about her choice. Kenji is my favorite character ever besides Warner of course. He's so funny and silly and most of the times I laughed while reading it was because of him. And oh Warner, I can't even start to describe how much I desperately in love with him. I love him so much it hurts. Juliette can finally realize that she is much better than she thought she was when she's with Warner. Warner made her strong and be able to discover herself. I can't believe I can love any characters as much as I love Will, Jem and Jace. Juliette with Adam was a sad girl who always cry. Which make me glad that there's Warner. But wow Adam in this book, I really wanted to stab and kill him.

And about that A white bird with streaks of gold like a crown atop its head that we first told was her connection to Adam (because she kept dreaming about that bird and Adam has that tattooed) but turned out it's nothing like that at all, really mesmerized me. The way Tahereh explained the real meaning of it. A fair-skinned boy with gold hair, the leader of Sector 45. It was always him. All along. So that was her connection with Adam. Warner. Oh God I'm so full of feels. 

I'll give the whole series 4 of 5 stars. It's a dystopian book as you may know but I think they should change the genre to romance instead. Because the whole series is center on Juliette's love life instead of the world around her.

I hope Tahereh wrote a spin-off focusing on Kenji because Kenji is the best thing that ever happened in this trilogy.

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