
New Year Trip

10:07 PM

Happy new year guys! I know I'm 5 days late but it's still the new year air! And I got back to school today. Holiday's over. But last Saturday I went to a mountain with my family. First we went to eat usual lunch at some place. Then we went to eat corns at a really awesome place. The back of the place is open wide to the mountain so you can see a very incredible mountain view and feel the cold air while eating nice food. It was so foggy that day.

After that we went to a cow livestock. We passed a very long farm to get to the livestock. Though I smelled shit everywhere the view is incredible. They also provide a fresh milk squeezed directly from the cows. We ordered some. And it tastes really sour. And then we headed home, but before that, we got dinner at KFC at 11pm!

That's actually a very short trip. I was hoping to go to the amusement park around there. But duh there's no way my parents riding the roller coaster. But that's okay because I'm enjoying this short trip!

PS: I didn't edit/adding any filter to these photos! So enjoy a very natural scene!

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