
Rotary Fun Walk

10:21 PM

Last Sunday I went to a "fun walk" which was walking for a few kms (I'm not keeping up).starting at Merdeka Walk and then back to Merdeka Walk. I didn't really feel exhausted at the time, but the day after that was when the pain began. Anyway, I woke up late that day. We were supposed to start walking at 6am but I woke up at 6am and it's a pretty long drive from my house to there. So it was actually kind of ridiculous.

My dad dropped me and my friend in the middle of the walking route where people have been walking for a few meters. They were like, "what the hell dude?". Oh one more thing, I was supposed to go there with my 2 friends, but as you probably can guess, one of them didn't even wake up until 7am! So after we finished the walk my friend and I went to the nearest McDonald's to had a late breakfast. And my other friend who didn't wake up until 7am came to McDonald's wearing the fun walk shirt even after the walk thing had finished. I promise you she's a human. Only a very unique kind. Oh haven't I mention that every attendant got a shirt? So we could all match I guess. Because we pay for it. But oh well, Things usually gone out of plan when you have to wake up so early.

And after that we went to Sun Plaza just to have a little more walk then we went to Jasinta's (the one who actually woke up) house to watch horror movie (The Poltergeist) with my other friend Veren (who didn't wake up until 7am).

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