
Lions Superstar 2015

5:04 PM

Last week was a full week of touring some high schools in my city for a singing competition that Lions Club Medan Unity held, it is called Lions Superstar. And this competition is only for high school students, so if you aren't a high school student then you cannot participate. Okay so I'm not a member of Lions Club (I'm joining Leo Club though), but there is one person at my workplace that is a member of the Club. Let's just say my workplace and Lions Club are kinda connected. So we help them organizing the event and it's kinda fun.

First we went to high schools to do the audition and then on Friday, October 30th, those of them who were selected went to Cambridge City Square for semifinal. Sadly I couldn't go there to help because I was on midterm. But the next day which was Saturday, October 31st, 10 lucky and talented participants goes to final! I went there and stayed from 9am to 10pm. The final actually started at 4pm. But I help another Lions event which was Lions News Presenter that was held by Lions Club Medan Kesawan. We didn't go school to school to do the audition for this competition though, so the participants go straight to Cambridge and competed.

It was a new experience for me to organizing event. It gave me an inspiration to be an Event Organizer. I'm considering about it. Hopefully soon!

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