
Leadership Camp 1, 2016

7:44 PM

Every university or college annual agenda: Freshman Orientation! But in my campus, it is called Leadership Camp 1 instead of Orientation. Because most orientation is getting bullied by seniors, but here we have fun, we don't bully new people, we welcome them.

The Leadership Camp 1 began on August 26th to August 27th, which was Friday to Saturday. We usually did Leadership Camp on Saturday to Sunday but then you won't have a day rest because the next day is Monday and you gotta back to work and routine. So we changed the schedule from Friday to Saturday, and then you will have a day rest.

This year, I became an unofficial committee. Why I called it unofficial is because I don't really have much say of how the party going. I came along because I was a staff at my campus. The official committee is the students who apply to become the committee and really had to put so much work into this event to keep going, and really had something to do. I don't. Basically all I did was watching and recording. And eat and then sleep.

Nevertheless, my campus is always improve themselves and developing new strategies. The Leadership Camp is always getting better each year. And each year you'll hear every senior here complaining about how more fun and deluxe is this year's Leadership Camp. Well, when I was the one participating I also heard the same sentence being said, that my year's Leadership Camp was better than the previous ones. But personally I like my year's Leadership Camp better. Because we sleep in a tent and got to play rafting! Which is really awesome. But this year is awesome as well. I mean, everything has pros and cons.

The orientation here is doing outbound, this year they also swim and play in the water park, they were also flying fox and many fun games. See the clip in my VLOG (watch in HD!):

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