
Tear the Roof Up

5:06 PM

This weekend is a long and fun one. On Friday I went to Tebing Tinggi and Pematang Siantar for work stuff, coming back to Medan on Saturday, in which we arrived at 7pm and we went straight to my coworker's wedding. Nevertheless, I can't deny the exhaust and after the wedding party when I got home I go straight to bed!

The next day I went out with my 2 best friends to Royal Sumatera Residence to take pictures because it has a stunning view, for me it was more like Outfit of The Day photo shoots though! We also take a look around the houses. Then we went to Sun Plaza in hope to watch Ouija: Origin of Evil but the line for the ticket is hell long so we gave up and grab a lunch instead at 4 Fingers that was nearby.

The journey continues at The Kitchen Skylounge (placed at the rooftop of The Aryaduta Hotel), when we decided to have another meal. That is also a pretty place to take pictures at. Trying out our luck again, we went to Hermes Place Polonia after that in hope there is not much of crowd for movie tickets and our prayers are answered! We then watch Ouija: Origin of Evil to end the night.

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