
A Different Path

12:08 AM

Woah, what a long break I have take from this blog. I can't believe my last update was 6 months ago. Well, life has changed a lot since then. I got a new job and my life changed drastically. Lol just kidding. But hey that's kinda true, my daily life changed drastically I kinda overwhelmed trying to get used to it. I will, though.

So this post is meant to be a little life update on what happened to me and what changed for the last 6 months (even though nobody cares).

Last July, 5 months ago, I made a big decision to leave my job and starting over at a car dealer, Auto2000, which is the founder and biggest dealer of Toyota in Indonesia. That was one of the best decisions I've made. This Auto2000 we talked about is the company under the umbrella of PT Astra International Tbk, one of the biggest company in the nation. I'm sure I don't have to talk further of it because even the babies in their mommies' womb know about this company. What do I do here? I sell cars and give people who buy them the best experience of buying car. If you come to the car showroom you'll found me happily welcoming you with the expectation you'll hand me over the car booking fee HAHA but don't worry I'll answer any of your question beforehand and I will give you the best deal ;)

But I can't shake off the thought of how different this company is from the last company I work at. The people, the rules, the way they do things, the things I have to do. A drastic change. It feels like I just begin life here and before here I was just a child who had no idea what real world is actually like, if truth be told. I learn new things everyday here and I enjoy it.

Here I also learn how complicated people can be. My job consist of me having to meet new people everyday. I'm able to learn different characters of people everyday. It's fun and frustrated all at once. I wish there is a guide book to show me the different ways to face people with different personalities. But this is the kind of thing you need to go through yourself to fully understand. I learn new things everyday here. Despite everything I love this job. It is a pride for me to be able to work in one of the biggest companies in Indonesia.

I don't know what came into me today. I didn't actually planned to write. It hadn't crossed my mind for a long time. I have a quite busy life now. Busy as in, there is a lot of work to think about that you cannot think about anything else. But I will try to update here and my photography page on instagram (@windysfilmdiary) and my music life that I have long abandon, when I didn't go out on weekends like I did today. But if you want to get a look on my daily life you can always follow my personal instagram @windyteha where I post everyday.

To close off this post. Here's some photos of me and the cars I have sell with the people who bought them, :p

Also, I got an appreciation from my supervisor: best sales performance from August to October. Thank you boss :)

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