
Mer's Birthday

11:46 AM

Merlin's birthday was actually on December 20 but she celebrate her birthday today! at this Christmas day hahahaha. btw, Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it! (:
she invited us to her house, she invite a lot but there's just some that came because she told us late. and today is Christmas, some of our friends are Christian so they surely can't coming.
It's just me, Jasinta, Selly, Atika, Sonya, Evelyn, Mery, Naina and Katherine.
well, Merlin dish out Lontong! we ate Lontong with another dessert. hahaha yummy, so Indonesian! :p
her mom cooked it, as well i know that her mom likes to cooking! #ifimnotwrong

Me, Sonya, Naina, Selly eating lontong :D

the scene after cutting the birthday cake

Merlin, Selly, Mery, Katherine, Me at lake which close to her house


Me and Selly, bad face of us lol

Mery and Me

Evelyn, Katherine, Me from back

don't look at the stomach x_x hihh!

hehe :D
sooo Jasinta come home earlier, me then and Idk what happens next because I was home and they still at Merlin house! hehehe bye :D

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