
Reasons why Indonesian and Chinese in Indonesia hate each other

Bangsa Cina mendarat di Indonesia pada abad ke 5, di pesisir pantai Jawa Timur. Mereka adalah pedagang yg berlayar untuk mencari rempah2, dan kemudian karena satu dan lain hal, mereka menetap di Indonesia dan berasimilasi dengan penduduk setempat. Para pedagang Cina ini juga diyakini sebagai yg membawa agama dan tradisi Islam masuk ke Indonesia, karena berkat Jalan Sutra, agama Islam yg berasal dari...

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Novels freak #2

So lately I was reading a lot of books and they were all amazing! Amazing books by amazing authors. I'll tell you what... So... Divergent by Veronica Roth is going to adapted as a movie and will be soon hit theater on March 21, 2014! I know it is a very long time, but the story is fascinating! but sadly they haven't do...

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Uncover the secret

Went to Sun plaza on Sunday, September 16th just both with Isabelle Stephanie, my junior and a bookworm. we talked a lot about school issues. I confess a thing: she may be my junior but she has a mature thoughts. and we have a lot of things in common! If what my classmate and I do when we got Sun Plaza was walking...

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Spend my Sunday at Royal Sumatera

Got off my bed earlier this morning, at 5am. that only happen in Sunday whether I have something to do. have planned with my friends to go to Selly grandma house at Royal Sumatera. Atika pick me up at 6.30am, we always out of schedule. haha nowadays teenager! ...

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