
The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones

9:32 PM

My long wait has finally been paid off. But I wouldn't mind because City Of Bones is the best movie I have ever watched and I couldn't stop thinking about all the scenes. One time won't be enough to watch this movie, um maybe hundreds? I watched it last Friday which was on August 30th. The official release date of the movie is August 21st 2013 but what could I say, the movie hits theaters in my country on August 27th and I can't just skip school because I was having exams. Students problem.
But AHH it's just perfect. Most of time I scream and laugh during the movie and my mundane-friend (who I went to the theater with) complaining a lot. Ha!
Anyway the movie has some changes with the original story which based on the novel. But I think it's not a big deal because there is no way they could 100% made the movie exactly like the book. And the movie is pretty awesome so whatsoever.
So I hope you guys watch movie! So you can experience the awesomeness that consumes me.

I have one more thing to share.
You can't guess!
I won a game. It's from my local TMI fanbase. Not a big thing but I just wanted to share this.
So it started from the beginning of the month and end at the end of the month which be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday but the point is I won it! Shadowhunters of the Month of August 2013. Yeah it's only for a month so the next month there will be a replace.

And here are some fanarts that I can't help myself not to post.

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