
Descendant of Heaven

8:52 PM

Hello people! How I miss blogging!
Last time I posted something here was like 2 months ago and there are a lot of things that has happened within! I had tests and stacks of assignment that will never end. And I had my house renovate and guess what? I got a super new room!

And within that 2 months I also read some books. 4 of them are sequels. I read 5 books and I read them in order as the picture showed below.

1Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3) by Cassandra Clare.
Clockwork Princess is final book of The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. This book has broke my heart into pieces. It has a perfect ending even though I really hate endings but OMG CASSIE LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME! I have never been so overwhelmed with emotions, so heartbroken. Each line changed your thoughts and it was so well written. It was truly an INCREDIBLE series. THIS is how a love triangle should be written, in a way that preserves the honor of everyone involved. There isn't another series out there that has ever managed to handle one with such love and kindness and respect. This series will change your perspective of love, friend and everything. I literally cried during the last chapter. WILL WILL MY WILL.

2. Rapture (Fallen, #4) by Lauren Kate.
Rapture is the final book of Fallen series by Lauren Kate. Can you imagine how was my feeling to read 2 final books in a row? Well that's heartbroken. I also love this series and I love how this book ended unexpectedly and beautifully. It's beautiful how Daniel and Luce willing to sacrifice everything for their love and i'm so sad because they have to forget their pasts and who they were and started over everything again just so they can be one again. It hurts me a little how Lucifer feel betrayed and that he cried for the pain he always endures and this may sound ridiculous remembering how an ass Lucifer was. But I really feel bad for him. And a mortal Daniel? I don't even know how I feel. The last sentence he said in the book really cracked me up. Its like Luce all over again. Just this time it is both of them.

3. Hades (Halo, #2) by Alexandra Adornetto
Hades is the second book of Halo trilogy by Alexandra Adornetto. This book start with Beth and Xavier thought they have already free from Jake only until he came back. Yeah he did come back to take Beth with him to Hades (which we all known as Hell)! Honestly I don't really like the set of places in Hades. I kind of love the story though it's boring because it told us about how Beth surviving Hades and the story is back and forth in the same boring place.

4. Heaven (Halo, #3) by Alexandra Adornetto
Heaven is the final book of Halo trilogy by Alexandra Adornetto. In this book we can tell how corrupt most of angels were! And SERIOUSLY if there is nothing good left then what's the purpose of living anyway? I don't like that! But I love how the story ended though but UGH.

5. Heavenly (Heavenly, #1) by Jennifer Laurens
Heavenly is the first book of Heavenly trilogy by Jennifer Laurens. Guess what? Another angel book! Okay I just realize that 5 of these books have something to do with angel and OMG! Did I actually read them all? But this one is really good! Zoe may have been a outsider typical teen but she was so much more at heart. Having to deal with distant parents due to her little sister having autism and the care she required. Zoe found ways to release her frustration, anger and hopelessness. When life starts to break at all angles as if you dropped a mirror and shattering into dozens of pieces. Can that mirror be put back together? Abria may have autism but she is beautiful at heart. Matthias was sent to be her guardian. Matthias was honestly written I never felt he was out of place his character victorious which transcended from paper as if it couldn't be contained.

So that's all the review guys! From October books because I just have time to post them now.
Anyway I have start reading some books in November but I consider to post them at the end of this month!
Bye guys!

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