
WR Supratman's 55th Anniversary Party

8:18 PM

I don't know what date exactly is my school's anniversary, but on Saturday, May 2nd, my school celebrated their 55th anniversary at The Regale International Convention Center. My old school, precisely. Because I'm no longer going to high school. Aha! Yes. I'm starting college this August.

So I went to that party. And no, not all students were invited. Because there's no way they invited thousands of people. Teachers, janitors, and all school staff got invited. Also 2 selected students from each class which are the ones that have the responsibility to manage the class, or something like that. Honestly, I wasn't one of those people who were invited. But one of my classmates who was invited couldn't come so I took the invitation because my close friends going there. And you can also buy the invitation if you graduated from this school.

There were singing, dancing, musical drama, people show martial arts moves, attributes and gifts to teachers who had taught more than 15 years, lucky draw and a lot more. The foods are really good. And the place is luxuriously huge and pretty.

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