
School Bazaar

4:09 PM

For my school's 55th anniversary, there are a lot of celebration. First, there are chess competition, speech competition, sport competition, and a lot more completion that I'm not keeping up. And then there's this bazaar.

Each of the student must purchase minimal Rp.150.000,- voucher (because we buy stuff with that voucher, not with money directly). People are selling foods, drinks, books, clothes, and stuffs. There are also games in which there will be gifts if you won. This bazaar was held in my school. And it was open for public. Which makes it so full of people and crowded and really hot. I immediately tied my hair in a ponytail because I couldn't contain the heat any longer. Oh by the way, me and my best friends coincidentally wore red t-shirts (but i didn't put the pictures here). And then I started shop foods. And then I'm so full but I had to spend the voucher so I bought a book, a key chain and portable holder (or whatever the name is).

If you've read my previous post about Medan War Festival, well, this bazaar was exactly the day after that festival.

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