
Work Trip to Kisaran, Tanjung Balai, & Rantau Prapat

Why I entitled this post Work Trip is because this trip is part of my job demands. Which is actually fun because I got to explore places. Frankly, I wasn't planning to blog this trip because the lack of photos I should've taken. But I changed my mind because 1. Now that I think about it, the photos weren't that few, 2. Because it's...

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Leo Club Medan Eka Prasetya 1st Birthday

Leo Club Medan Eka Prasetya just had their very first birthday on December 6th, 2015. Though I'm pretty sure it's not the exact date of the birthday, but that was the day they celebrated it. If you didn't know what a Leo Club is, Leo clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International (a service membership organization). Leo clubs are sponsored by Lions...

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Senior Field Trip 2014

If you have been sticking here with me from long ago, you may have known my post about Study Tour which is a trip where all seniors went into a trip to Brastagi here, In this post I'm going to show you a video which I recorded back then but didn't have a chance to edit it (because I didn't know how to...


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