
Leo Club Medan Eka Prasetya 1st Birthday

12:18 AM

Leo Club Medan Eka Prasetya just had their very first birthday on December 6th, 2015. Though I'm pretty sure it's not the exact date of the birthday, but that was the day they celebrated it. If you didn't know what a Leo Club is, Leo clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International (a service membership organization). Leo clubs are sponsored by Lions clubs and comprise an official program of Lions Clubs International. LEO Club is the largest youth club of voluntary character in the world, present in 140 countries with over 160,000 members. (source: Wikipedia)

I just joined Leo Club Medan Eka Prasetya a few months ago because it was one of the clubs that is in my college (yes, my college is that cool). So we, the new members, just received our vest that day and inducted as an official member that day. We were also playing games that day. Sadly, I had to leave earlier because I had a promise to fulfilled!

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