
Work Trip to Kisaran, Tanjung Balai, & Rantau Prapat

11:58 PM

Why I entitled this post Work Trip is because this trip is part of my job demands. Which is actually fun because I got to explore places. Frankly, I wasn't planning to blog this trip because the lack of photos I should've taken. But I changed my mind because 1. Now that I think about it, the photos weren't that few, 2. Because it's been a month already, and 3. Because I'm bored. Yes I'm currently on Christmas and New Year break which is more than a week long. Pretty bored when you only stayed in hometown.

So on Tuesday, November 24th at about 6pm, my team and I were off to our first stop, Kisaran. It was a 5 hours drive. But it wasn't a dull drive because we talked a lot and shared out deepest and darkest secrets (just kidding, we were just telling our past stories). The moment we arrived at the lodging, we slept right away.

We stayed in Kisaran for 2 nights, and then we headed to our second stop, Tanjung Balai. It was a very short trip because we didn't even stayed the night. It was also a short drive because it was less than an hour from Kisaran.

After we are done socializing about our campus to a school in that town, we continued our trip to the last stop, Rantau Prapat. I don't remember how long the drive took but it was hours, just not as long as the first drive took from Medan to Kisaran). The view before the town was fantastic. We stayed in Rantau Prapat for 1 night (in a lodging which was much better than the first lodging we slept in). In the night when we were bored, we cruised around the town and then we spotted a spa/massage place so we stopped by and relaxing our tired selves. But there are no trails of the night because I didn't take any photos!

Then we headed home the next morning, which was on Saturday. Also, we were stopped by the police twice throughout the trip. And I got to beat my 2 coworkers on a chess game who are actually good at it. What a triumph!

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