
Lions & Leo Club District 307-A2 Lunar Charity

10:03 AM

Happy Chinese New Year!
To celebrate Chinese New Year together Lions & Leo Club District 307-A2 did a charity on 30th to 31st January just last week. We went house after house in the suburban area, giving lunar packages to those less fortune.

I didn't join the 30th crew, because I was working (it was Saturday). But I join the 31st crew on Sunday. It was really early, I woke up at 5am and then headed to the meeting place at 7am. We drove off in a bus, and it was really fun. We went house after house from Medan to Tebing Tinggi. There were 8 stops: 1. Medan, 2. Tanjung Morawa, 3. Lubuk Pakam, 4. Pantai Labu, 5. Pantai Cermin, 6. Perbaungan, 7. Sei Rampah, 8. Tebing Tinggi. We stopped to eat twice. Lunch at a beach and then dinner at Rumah Makan Simpang Tiga, just a local restaurant.

It was a really fun experience for me. I gained knowledge and acquaintances in this trip of charity. And I was hoping the photographer (which is also a member of Leo Club) shares the pictures of that day because surely the picture from a DSLR camera would be much much nicer than the one I took with my phone! But okay well, once they shared it I would immediately added it to this post.

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