
Colour Your Run Eka Prasetya X Sutomo 1

4:36 PM

Started from a dream of passionate High School students, Sutomo 1 High School collaborate with Eka Prasetya (my college) to deliver such joyful and massive event that you will never forget. 

Colour Your Run is Sutomo 1 first ever Color Run event. On March 6th, together with Eka Prasetya, we created the greatest and memorable moment for those high school students whose graduation day is only days count. Morning colorful run where we strew colorful powder along the way, to the dark tunnel in Eka Prasetya where we flushed those who passed with the liquid that will glow in the UV lights that we had provide, and ended up back in Sutomo 1 where the DJs and loud musics have been waiting for them.

And It was a success, We never thought it would be possible until we did it because we were only planning the event for only a month. It was a fun journey for me to be the one of those who is in charge to run the event. I came home with all the colorful liquid over my body and my hair is very sticky. But I mean, it's always fun here in my college because we have lots of events. Aha.

And pals, it ain't our last run.

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