
Leadership Camp 2 with Eka Prasetya

10:55 AM

Eka Prasetya is back with another exciting event. This time, it is Leadership Camp 2 which was held on March 12th to March 13th 2016. It is the second Camp that Eka Prasetya held for this school year. 

While the first camp is an orientation for new students, the second one is kinda like "Eka Prasetya Family Day", because Leadership Camp 2 is open for the whole students in Eka Prasetya to join and have fun together. (Read my post about Leadership Camp 1 here).

Unfortunately, I could't join them going there in a bus, playing kites and had dinner together. Because on March 12th I had a socialization schedule to a school in Tebing Tinggi. So after I finished in Tebing Tinggi at 2pm, we headed to Leadership Camp 2 venue which was at Bumi Perkemahan Sibolangit which is about 5 hours ride if there was no traffic. 

We arrived at about 9pm, because we had dinner first at the nearest KFC. A few minutes after we arrived, there was a campfire! And after that, there was a BBQ session but i didn't eat anything because i'm to lazy to wash my hand afterward. Lol. Some of us stayed in the tent. But as for me and my friends, we stayed in a lodge. Tick tock tick tock... we got bored. I came out with the idea to play Truth or Dare. So this is how the game goes: several players sit in a circle. A bottle is placed on the floor in the center of the circle. A player spins the bottle, and whoever is pointed by the bottle when it stops spinning must choose to answer a question with a Truth or Dare to get ashamed. 

But as the game went on, most of us keep choosing Truth and it turned out it wasn't that fun, So I told them whoever got pointed by the bottle will have to Dare to do a challenge we'll give. And boom, that's the real fun! Everyone in the lodge watched us play the game and also enjoy seeing us embarrassing ourselves. I only got pointed by the bottle once and the challenge me to scream to some guy that I love them. No biggie.

We kept playing and playing and then we told ourselves by the midnight we'll stop and sleep, but even before it the committee of the event had already told us to go sleep. Well then. Some of us could't sleep. Some of us sleep like a dead man. I slept for 2 hours because duh, we slept on a hard floor, how am i supposed to be comfortable? When I woke up some of my friends that has told me they couldn't sleep went missing. Turns out they went to have a meal/hot tea outside. So I joined them, took my flashlight and catch up. I ordered a hot milo.

By 4am, we changed our sleepwear to trekking outfit because that's our next thing to do and we were so damn ready. Little did we know we'll be so damn exhausted. I don't know for sure the forest name, if it even had a name, but our destination is Air Terjun Dua Warna (English: 2 Colors Waterfall). For me, it was fun but the way is too freaking long. It took us 3 hours of walking in the slippery road of the wood to get there. And when I got there, I didn't really have the mood to take pictures anymore. I just wanna lay down in my bed inside my blanket and drink a liter of water. But i took some and it's not decent.

And we had to walk back to our lodge by the same route and if I could cry in that moment I would cry a river. My feet hurts. My arms hurt. My shoulder hurts. My back hurts. Even my hair hurts. There's no part of me that didn't hurt. And I was so damn dirty and full of mud. Wow. It was really something. I like it, but I will never go back to there ever again. 

Also! I made a vlog! I think I'll start making vlog from now on whenever adventure I go to. I hope you enjoy! And don't forget to subscribe to my channel

And here's the photos.

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