

9:39 PM

my final test is now over! wohooo I can do everything that I like now!
no more books everywhere! no more pressure to study every night and every morning.
so i'm so free now! :D


today my friends and I went to Selly house! one of my classmate! having fun there.
It's me, Selly, Jasinta, Merlin, Atika, Sonya. after we finish the last subject of the final test we went to Suzuya for bought some snack and drink in Selly house! on the way to suzuya I saw a magazine which the cover is GREYSON CHANCE face! I want to buy it but didn't bring enough money. aaaaa! :(
and blablabla we arrived Suzuya and bought all the food and drink we need!

next we stopped in front of Harapan Mandiri school to bought Fried Banana and more :D
we continue our journey to Selly house! we ate Indomie, watching TV, make a lot crazy things in Selly room, taking a lot of pictures and many many more! hahaha. Selly room was really messy :p

after out of Selly house me, Merlin, Jasinta and Sonya went to Jasinta house! Atika went home because It's more close from Selly house than Jasinta's. hehe
we made some crazy videos and pictures in Jasinta laptop.
maybe I'll upload all videos and pictures soon! just wait next post!

lololololol so fun today! and after I got home I don't have to open books for study anymore.
what a happiest newssss! bahahaha.
but the bad news is we have to come school and study usually tomorrow. really hate it!
why the teacher doesn't just give us holiday uh? -_____-


btw on 21 my school will make a event so i'll perform there! and on 23 I will get my result!
hope everything alright :D tons of luck for me. HAHA!

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