
XLD in stage

10:32 PM

So guys today me and my band were performing in our school! The name is XLD, got it from our class name.
we were performing "Beraksi" and "Tak Rela"! I'm the guitarist. people went crazy when we performed "Beraksi" because that song rocks and everyone supposed to like it! LOL. "Tak Rela" is not too bad either. we success today! I love today so much <3 and a lot people performing their talented today. It's dancing, singing, and band too. btw I participate the "mixed of grade 9" musical play too. it was some of grade 9 students singing "Aku yg Tersakiti" and I'm playing bass at here!

my friend recorded me in the stage. but they haven't send the videos and the pictures to me. stay tune I'll post it soon!

btw I cut off my hair yesterday. I don't really like it, but not too bad looks. I hope it will looks better than before. here's the picture! I'm using my class uniform (:

what do you think?

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