
Goodbye 2012

Hello people! It's been a month since I posted on my blog. Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!!! I wish and hope 2013 will be my year, full of joy and I get what I want. Amin! And goodbye 2012, thanks for being a part of my memory. I was having my final exam at the 1st week on December. Okay...

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Breaking Dawn 2

Hi guys! What happened today? I went to Hermes Place Polonia with my 6 of mates to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2. THAT MOVIE IS BEYOND AWESOME. THE EPIC FINALE THAT WILL LIVE FOREVER. And this movie is my most favorite of The Twilight Saga. Wow Bella is a vampire now. My heart cried out when *sorry for the spoiler for those who...

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Stars and Stripes

I have a big obsession over... a flag? Hahaha of course not. The reason I love the flag is because I love the country as well! United States of America!!! Found these earrings online and immediately buy it. I intend to find another stuff which printed in the flag too. Nah that's it. ...

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Domo Tee

Yayyyy my domo t-shirt has arrived! After almost my whole life looking for it. Lol SO HAPPY! ...

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Reasons why Indonesian and Chinese in Indonesia hate each other

Bangsa Cina mendarat di Indonesia pada abad ke 5, di pesisir pantai Jawa Timur. Mereka adalah pedagang yg berlayar untuk mencari rempah2, dan kemudian karena satu dan lain hal, mereka menetap di Indonesia dan berasimilasi dengan penduduk setempat. Para pedagang Cina ini juga diyakini sebagai yg membawa agama dan tradisi Islam masuk ke Indonesia, karena berkat Jalan Sutra, agama Islam yg berasal dari...

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Novels freak #2

So lately I was reading a lot of books and they were all amazing! Amazing books by amazing authors. I'll tell you what... So... Divergent by Veronica Roth is going to adapted as a movie and will be soon hit theater on March 21, 2014! I know it is a very long time, but the story is fascinating! but sadly they haven't do...

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Uncover the secret

Went to Sun plaza on Sunday, September 16th just both with Isabelle Stephanie, my junior and a bookworm. we talked a lot about school issues. I confess a thing: she may be my junior but she has a mature thoughts. and we have a lot of things in common! If what my classmate and I do when we got Sun Plaza was walking...

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Spend my Sunday at Royal Sumatera

Got off my bed earlier this morning, at 5am. that only happen in Sunday whether I have something to do. have planned with my friends to go to Selly grandma house at Royal Sumatera. Atika pick me up at 6.30am, we always out of schedule. haha nowadays teenager! ...

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Union Jack

It's not a boring holiday because I'm gonna miss it! Unfortunately my class will start on Monday -_- And because I have nothing to do and I love this country, so I draw UK flag in a piece of paper, and taking pictures of them with my new haircut. I have bangs now. look at these pictures! what do you think? Most of my...

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Best of Patrick Star!

Spongebob Squarepants for all ages! agree?  You see, Spongebob Squarepants is not just about jokes and comedy, IT'S ALSO ABOUT GIVING INSPIRATIONS TO OTHERS. It has taught me so many things. Patrick Star is my favorite character here. So i'll show you the best funniest moment and the meaningful quotes by him! ...

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The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones filming begins

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? 4 days until the movie begin to filming! I mean, I have been waiting for this movie for such along time. This movie is based on Cassandra Clare novel The Mortal Instruments. One of my favorite novel absolutely! The movie release in theater on August 23, 2013. Get ready for it! Check out the snippet I got from IMDb:...

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