
Medan War Festival

3:07 PM

One time before my National Exam aka finals began, my friend discovered this one festival about water war and color splash thing. It's basically just to shoot people with water and watercolor in a gun they had provided us. They also provided us a T-shirt and a waterproof pocket for phone. It took place right after our finals so we thought it'd be cool for us to attend it as our own farewell party. It also has live DJ music in the event. So most people in my class decided to bought the tickets. And we're so excited for today to come.

Imagine our disappointment when rain poured heavily right before the event began. The event organizer didn't even do anything about it. I barely knew their existence. They're nowhere to be seen. Because when the rain started to poured, there's no announcement about what we had to do or where we should take shelter. So we were out in the field letting the rain poured down on us. It was so freaking cold and I still can feel it. The wind didn't stop blowing even after the rain had stopped. We were freezing to the bone and trembling from the cold. It was a total failure. The whole field was full of mud and rubbish and it feels like walking in a lea. We stayed there until 7pm and then we head back looking for food. And that's it. We didn't come back. We didn't even have a chance to gathered and take pictures. We didn't even stopped when the music started to play because we looked and felt so terrible and dirty. Although I wanted to. Because what's good our money is for if we didn't at least listen to the music. But we were just really pissed. It's literally just a waste of money.

But I got some chances to take pictures of the atmosphere. Take a look.

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