
Celebrating the End of My High School Days (At the Beach)

7:58 PM

My days as a high school student has come to an end. Yesterday was the very last day i wore my high school uniform. It was also the last day of my very last school finals. My feelings are mixed. I'm happy that i can finally say good bye to something that had tied me really tight. Being in school makes me feel caged with rules and rules. Now I finally break free from those rules. I can do whatever I've always wanted to do now. But i know one day i'm gonna miss being a high school student. I will miss the jokes I had with my friends, when we made fun of teachers, when we skip classes, when we had lunch together, and so many other things. Leaving high school is also a reminder that I'm no longer a little kid.

Now enough talk about feelings. I went to the beach yesterday with my classmates and other seniors from my school. We do this tradition to sign and paint the uniform. We finished the test at 12.30pm and went to the beach together about 2pm and arrived at 4pm. I went there by bus but there were also some of us that drove their own cars. There's also 3 teachers coming with us which was pretty cool since things like this didn't usually involved teachers. When we were on our way to the beach, I saw a lot of people riding motorcycles that must be in my grade because they had already paint and sign their uniform (and even their hair). We were interrupted by some of them that looked delinquent. They were knocking our bus window and asking for phone numbers and sprayed one of my friends with Pilox. That, of course, made us mad. We were supposed to go to Pondok Permai beach but when we saw them there, we moved to Lestari Indah beach which is just beside Pondok Permai (this is actually pretty funny).

When we arrived, my friends had lunch and the madness began. We continue signing and painting our uniforms (some of us had already been signed when we were still at school). We've also took a lot of pictures obviously. Then we rode Banana Boat. I laughed a lot because it's really fun and I already miss it so much. I wasn't supposed to get wet but the boys intentionally flip over our Banana Boat before we even get down from it. Which made me really really made at the moment because I didn't bring any clothes with me for changing. I stayed like that until I got home which was 9pm. I really smelled.

After that, some of them decided why not get all wet if you're already half wet. So they throw themselves into water. We continue taking a lot of pictures, the boys played soccer, they throw sands at each other. It was really one of those days that i won't ever going to forget. I decided to write down every detail here so i'll always remember this years later.

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