
Mer's Birthday

Merlin's birthday was actually on December 20 but she celebrate her birthday today! at this Christmas day hahahaha. btw, Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it! (: she invited us to her house, she invite a lot but there's just some that came because she told us late. and today is Christmas, some of our friends are Christian so they surely can't coming....

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this is the real holiday! start from today until January 8, 2012 is my holiday. and on January 9 I'll come back to school -___- my holiday is just about 2 weeks! hmm not too bad lol. I don't know where to go at this holiday. maybe i'm just staying home :/ yesterday I received my report book. yeah my marks are good!...

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XLD in stage

So guys today me and my band were performing in our school! The name is XLD, got it from our class name. we were performing "Beraksi" and "Tak Rela"! I'm the guitarist. people went crazy when we performed "Beraksi" because that song rocks and everyone supposed to like it! LOL. "Tak Rela" is not too bad either. we success today! I love today...

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Finally! my final test is now over! wohooo I can do everything that I like now! no more books everywhere! no more pressure to study every night and every morning. so i'm so free now! :D today my friends and I went to Selly house! one of my classmate! having fun there. It's me, Selly, Jasinta, Merlin, Atika, Sonya. after we finish the last...

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This is the new videos of mine. uploaded it last Thursday  but it's have been recorded last year! hehe :p watch here there's just not only singing or lipsync but me and my friend making crazy! enjoy the video (: ...


Hold On 'Til The Night

Here we are. Greyson Chance video HoldOnTilTheNight has out! Today, December 10 2011. watch the video here what do you think? i think "WHAT A AWESOME MUSIC VIDEO EVER" hahahaha he's too hot here omg <3 always melting everytime I watch his video, seeing his picture or even hearing his songs! he just too awesome. hahahaha how I wish I could meet him...


Just dance

okay i'm lied of the last post that I said I won't posted anything during the semester test. I get boring so i decided to posting something! LOL Nahh, I caught this video in my computer. when I want to arrange the video file I found this old video. not too old, taken December 2010 when my 1st semester at grade 8 was...


1st semester

on Monday, December 5 I'll start my 1st day at 1st semester examination at this grade! omg i'm so scared of what my teachers's said because they said if National Test mark will be mixed from grade 8. I know if my marks aren't really good. teachers always scare us for us don't be lazy. but you know they'll never changes student mind...

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Breaking Dawn 1

Just went to Thambrin Plaza aka TP this noon, watched Breaking Dawn part I at 21! It is the VERY COOL MOVIE EVER! you guys should watch it! I really love it. Bella got married with Edward. she is pregnant here! and he has a cute daughter. and at the end of this movie people think She's die but suddenly her lips been pink from...

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Greyson Chance in INDONESIA!

GREYSON CHANCE hold Indonesia flag! GREYSON CHANCE 1ST TIME IN INDONESIA 22-24 NOVEMBER 2011! On November 23 he had a showcase in Hard Rock cafe in Jakarta.  I wish he came to Medan, my city. but I think he will never! how possibly he come to Medan, even this is his 1st time in Jakarta, Indonesia. ...

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Study Tour 2011

So on 19 - 20 November 2011, I attended the study tour that was held by my school with my classmates and l. there's a lot of fun there! and some madness moment. we went to Berastagi. the teacher ask us to come school but I didn't come. my mom said this school is so weird. then 12am I arrived at school and...

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